Course duration
40 hours
Application period
Coming soon


This course discusses the necessity to adjust the bureaucratic administration blueprint to facilitate a strategic management in the public sector. It will present concepts and tolls for the implementation of a results-based management in organizations, including the main aspects for the development of strategic planning, diagnostic and redesign of processes as well as monitoring and evaluation tools. 

Target Audience 

Public Sector Employees, managers and non-profit and private initiative employees who currently work or have an interest in the formulation and management of processes and results. 


  • FGV’s instructors will present concepts, best practices, and case study analysis in a strategic, up-to-date, and dynamic way. Students will be expected to discuss, analyze and exchange ideas concerning the topic. 
  • Modality: online, presential or semi-attendance (to be defined).
  • This course may include a technical visit to private companies and/or public agencies. 


  • Management Policies of Public Organizations in Brazil
  • Results-based Management: Basis and Methodology 
  • Introduction to Strategic Planning and Management 
  • Performance Measurement: Results Indicator 

Class Schedule and Location

Academic Workload: 40 hours
Frequency and time: to be defined.
Location: depending on the modality offered
- Presential: at FGV in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo or Brasília (to be defined).
- Semi-Presential: face-to-face meetings at FGV in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo or Brasília (to be defined) and virtual meetings transmitted by webconference.
- Virtual: 100% live classes transmitted by webconference. 


If you have any questions or would like more information about our Program, contact us: 
E-mail: dint@fgv.br 
Phone: +55 21 3799-6059 





To receive this course certification students are expected to have an attendance of at least 75%. 
In conjunction with the certificate students will also receive a digital badge they will be able to easily display in their social media platforms. The FGV badge is encrypted with blockchain technology, that guarantees the veracity of the information published.